ID # | Last Name | First Name | Gender | Birthyear | Age | Birthplace | CensesYr | Spouse | Relation to Head |
James | Matman | Chief Sandwich Eater | Lettuce Green | Trek | Digby Green | January 13, 1979 | Gotham City | 3.1 | RBX-12 |
The | Tick | Crimefighter Sorta | Blue | Wars | John Smith | July 19, 1968 | Athens | N/A | Edlund, Ben (July 1996). |
Jokey | Smurf | Giving Exploding Presents | Smurflow | Smurf | Smurflane Smurfmutt | Smurfuary Smurfteenth, 1945 | New Smurf City | 4.Smurf | One |
Cindy | Beyler | Sales Representative | Red | Wars | Lori Quivey | July 5, 1956 | Paris | 3.4 | 3451 |
Captain | Cool | Tree Crusher | Blue | Wars | Steve 42nd | December 13, 1982 | Las Vegas | 1.9 | Under the couch |