Wind: 10 mph
Humidity: 43%
Dew Pt: 25˚
UV Index: 1
Visibility: 10+ mi
Pressure: 1014 mb
cloudy Icon 46˚ Overcast. Feels Like: 42˚ Low: 27˚ High: 47˚ Overcast for the hour.
10min 30min 50min
Next Hour: Overcast for the hour.
Mixed precipitation on Tuesday and Wednesday, with high temperatures falling to 15°F on Thursday.
partly-cloudy-night Icon Today 27˚ 47˚
Mostly cloudy throughout the day.
27˚ 4am 47˚ 2pm
Sunrise Icon 7:11am Sunset Icon 5:08pm
Rain 0.01 in
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partly-cloudy-day Icon Mon 26˚ 36˚
Partly cloudy throughout the day.
26˚ 7am 36˚ 12am
Sunrise Icon 7:10am Sunset Icon 5:09pm
Snow < 1 in
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snow Icon Tue 28˚ 43˚
Mixed precipitation (1–2 in. of snow) starting in the evening.
28˚ 12am 43˚ 6pm
Sunrise Icon 7:10am Sunset Icon 5:10pm
Rain 0.31 in
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wind Icon Wed 11˚ 36˚
Windy in the afternoon and partly cloudy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.
11˚ 11pm 36˚ 12am
Sunrise Icon 7:09am Sunset Icon 5:11pm
Snow 1 - 2 in
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clear-day Icon Thu 15˚
Clear throughout the day.
6am 15˚ 5pm
Sunrise Icon 7:08am Sunset Icon 5:13pm
Snow 0 in
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partly-cloudy-day Icon Fri 12˚ 26˚
Mostly cloudy throughout the day.
12˚ 6am 26˚ 4pm
Sunrise Icon 7:07am Sunset Icon 5:14pm
Snow < 1 in
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partly-cloudy-day Icon Sat 23˚ 35˚
Mostly cloudy throughout the day.
23˚ 7am 35˚ 3pm
Sunrise Icon 7:06am Sunset Icon 5:15pm
Snow < 1 in
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partly-cloudy-day Icon Sun 31˚ 42˚
Mostly cloudy throughout the day.
31˚ 3am 42˚ 4pm
Sunrise Icon 7:05am Sunset Icon 5:16pm
Rain 0 in
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